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[Pokémon GO] FAQ - your Pokémon Inventory


Tagging your Pokémon Inventory

As your Pokémon collection grows, you can use tags to categorize and easily access your Pokémon based on characteristics you are most interested in.

Note: This feature is only available to Trainers who are Level 15 and above.

Creating a New Pokémon Tag:

  1. From the Tags page, tap the Plus  button.
  2. Fill out the name of this new tag and select the background color of your choice.
  3. Tap Done.
  4. Tap the Add Pokémon  button on your new tag’s page.
  5. Tap the Pokémon you would like to add to this tag to select them.
  6. Tap Select to apply your new tag to the selected Pokémon.

Managing and Filtering by Pokémon Tag:

  1. In Map View, tap the Main Menu  button.
  2. Tap the Pokémon  button.
  3. Tap the Tags header on the upper left.

Tapping on a tag on this page will result in a filtered view of your Pokémon collection that only shows Pokémon that have this tag. You can also edit or delete tags from this page.

Managing a Pokémon’s Tags:

  1. From the Map View, tap the Main Menu  button.
  2. Tap the Pokémon  button.
  3. Select a Pokémon from your collection that has a tag.
  4. Tap any of the tags on the Pokémon below its HP bar or tap Tags from the Pokémon action menu.
  5. From this menu you are able to remove the tag, add another tag to the Pokémon, or see all Pokémon with that tag in your Pokémon collection.


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